Highland artist Frances Drew will be remembered at artspace tomorrow afternoon. She passed away in November.
Tributes to this amazing lady are popping up all over the Internet. Trudeau's blog, and local artist Tama Nathan's blog are just a few places to find out about her. And there's a nice picture of Frances in front a a piece of her artwork at this Fibromyalgia support site.
To view a slide show of Quilt Kiosk #2 click here. Frances was just one of the artists who collaborated on this piece of public art in downtown Shreveport.
Ironic that she had to die to get this attention.
It is. It's got me thinking (again) about all creative people here that no one knows about. With the Internet as our playground that shouldn't be the case. Marketing yourself and your work is important on so many levels. But who has the time to create, keep the lights on and get the word out about your work?
Additionally, she was ill. Being sick takes up a lot of time, as you well know. Poverty doesn't keep up with technology, and pain make no adjustments for time well spent.
"Poverty doesn't keep up with technology, and pain makes no adjustments for time well spent." Wow, that's beautiful and something one might read in a collection like Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology.
I hadn't discounted illness. I'd just forgotten because it's such a part of the fabric over here. I can't imagine living a life with out being invaded with illness and medical costs on a daily basis. I'd like to try but we've been struggling in the American system of medicine since 1993. We tired and our brains our frosted.
Make that "are frosted."
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