Oh, shale! We're all fixin' to get rich in SB Land... if we own land...if we own land and mineral rights...maybe we don't have to own the land... just the mineral rights...
KTBS has a special on the Haynesville Shale. If you don't want to wait for it to be on TV again you can catch it on their website.
Thanks for linking that, KU. I am ready to sell the rights to my postage-stamp-sized lot.
Glad to help. HRA is sponsoring an informational meeting on the Haynesville Shale on Wednesday, August 13 at the Kings Highway Christian Church. The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. For more info higlandra.blogspot.com.
(yep, I know it's funky spelling but what are you going to do?}
Like I said, I think the boats are going to make more money off this than anyone else will.
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