Mixing visual art with literature? Zowie, it could be dangerous! Judge for your self at West Edge Artists' Co-op this Thursday evening during the first Thursday Night Trolley Tours of the year when area poets read from their new chapbook Standing at the EDGE. The works were penned after the poets viewed the artwork hanging at West Edge Artists' Co-op.
Trudeau captured the birth of the project. Some of the poets involved have even started their own blog.
By the way, the TNT is a project of the Shreveport Regional Arts Council. Unfortunately, their website doesn't have any information on the event. When, oh when, will non profits forget about websites and just have blogs that they can update on the cheap and easy? You can call 673-6500 for more information but RRBJ finds doing so barbaric. We'd much rather click and surf and not have to interact with humans.
yes, Pam sent me a note about your mention of our event. the PR is much appreciated! looking forward to seeing you on Thursday. thanks!
Was this fun or what!! Can't wait til next month!
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