Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Vote Early and Vote Often!

The Shreveport Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau is sponsoring a cool contest for area filmmakers. Voting for the Show Us YOUR Shreveport Bossier event got underway today. To see all the different ways of life in SB Land click here. Some lucky person will win $2500 for their creation.

Personal Note: The editor, publisher, creator and head party hat wearer of Red River Blog Jam, Kathryn Usher, created the above video and very much appreciates your votes. Only with your help will True Blood and Voo Doo! win the big prize! King Cake Baby Voo Doo Doll hugs for everyone! It was great fun incoprating all the nifty True Blood stuff into my video. I love how HBO's hit show is focusing attention on SB Land! Take that New Orleans and Anne Rice!


Pan's Pantry said...

Clearly, your answer to escaping the smoke of the casinos lies in voice-over work.

Erin said...

Saw the article on the Times about how SBCTB took your video down, so I had to come watch it, knew it would be on your blog. Don't really see what the problem was. If people don't like it, turn it off. I don't like some of the stuff on TV, but I just change the channel. Geez, don't you just love censorship?!

Chuckles said...

I don't know what all the fuss was about your video. Seemed okay to me. Unconventional...sure but as for animal skeletons being offensive... uh I'm sure if you showed fishermen hauling in fish or hunters posing with a dead 12 point buck, that would've been okay?

Unknown said...

Thank you for the support folks... Chuckles - actually there's dead stuff in the official promo of the contest. See if you can catch the dead animals and the cruelty to animals in their spot promo

Unknown said...

Contest is over. I didn't win but each participant was awarded $250. Things got so weird with this contest that I created a new blog to deal with it

patriot v said...

Not many movies made since our outta control thug police roughed up Brolin & crew. Word travels fast in Hwood, they want no part of that crap. How about Glover's quote, "If the police pull you over, your rights are suspended" What an ignorant ass,my 12 yr old has more constitutional knowledge than that. Enough of the police state. Join me in boycotting "The Inquisitor" for specializing in racist public humiliation of mostly petty victimless crimes & galamorization of the police state.How about that recent cover with all those who dared to party during Mardi Gras. Contact me through the comments under Glovers youtube vid & let's organize.

Patricia Venkatesh said...